Friday, June 3, 2011

The Walk of A Lifetime

By Kevin Dorsey

These Great Walks are seven magnificent walks in distinctively stunning areas where walkers from all over the world come to enjoy, recharge and revitalize themselves. One of this great walk is the maria island walk. For a walk that stretches between 20 and 45kilometers, the Walkers will depart for the 4days journey beginning from Hobart, with not more than 8kilograms of carried weight; they would ply on gentle tracks through coastal forests and mountains and will stay at two comfortable wilderness camps at night.

The Bays of Fires walk is a great and interesting four days walk through the Coastal and Forests of the Bay of Fires. It is a half day kayaking and another 30 kilometer walk. A mild walk, walkers would rest at the Bay of Fires Lodge at night. Another breathtaking walk in Tasmania is the Freycinet Experience walk. A journey between 36 and 40 kilometers and 1-5 kilograms day pack for walkers, a four day walk. With Hobart as the starting point, they lodge easily at the very Friendly Beaches Lodge at night.

A more challenging walk is The South Coast Track. Walkers embark on a nine day Eighty kilometers walk carrying packs of between 15 and 20 kilograms. More difficult and more expensive than the previously mentioned walks, walkers will need to successfully go through Wild unspoiled wilderness, remote untouched beaches, rugged mountain ranges, pristine rivers, and towering rain forests. This is not the same with the Tarkine Rainforest Track that is forty three kilometers long and a six day walk. Walkers pay lower rate than the South Coast Track walk and will walk pass a pristine and remote ancient forest wilderness.

The Tasmania Walls of Jerusalem Experience is another Four days walk covering thirty to forty kilometers through the Alpine, Forests and Mountains. This is unlike the very challenging Cradle Mountains Huts Eighty Kilometer walk which stretches to six days. Lodging in private cabins for the night makes this walk more expensive for walkers.

In all, these great walks is filled with rewards for the annual walkers. This is your best bet when it comes to revitalizing yourself.

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