Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Crucial Information and Advice on Abnormal Weight Loss

By Rehanna Filmore

If you, or somebody know, are losing abnormal amounts of weight, it's a good idea to be concerned. There are a vast number of potential causes for this, and it just takes a trip to the doctors to know exactly why it is happening. Since weight loss can bring about a state of malnutrition in the body if it continues for too long, you want to find out what's going on as soon as possible. The causes of abnormal weight loss are listed below, and they may be just a couple of factors related to it.

In some difficult to diagnose cases of abnormal weight loss, the culprit turns out to be an infection or parasites. In a few cases, the worms can literally eat the food that you're consuming, stripping your body of the nutrients it needs. This may sound odd, but there are in fact weight loss diets out there that involve you having to ingest parasitic worms to assist you with weight loss! This is most certainly not recommended because the parasites can cause terrible illnesses. Even so, it could be a reason for your unexpected weight loss. The treatments for parasites such as worms usually involve medications that kill the parasites. It most commonly occurs in poorer countries where there's not much clean food or water, however it can happen absolutely anywhere. Usually this reason for abnormal weight loss isn't found out until the more common causes of weight loss have been ruled out. Are you suffering from body ache? Utilize Lower Back Massagers and be liberated from all those pains.

Older people tend to experience weight loss, even though aging itself isn't a cause. It's routine for a doctor to test an elderly patient with these symptoms for cancer, but there are other potential causes. The loss of weight can sometimes be a premature indication of dementia. Different stomach maladies can also be a cause, and elderly people are a lot more affected by them. Weight loss in elderly people needs to have an eye kept on it, as older people do lose bone density as well. For this reason it's crucial that elderly people talk with their doctors to discover what types of foods and supplements can help them take in the right nutrients to ensure they don't lose any important weight.

Once the cause of abnormal weight loss has been determined, a program of treatment can be planned. This will, of course, depend on the particular situation, and if there's a physical illness this will have to be addressed. However, eating the right kind of foods can help someone gain back weight that was involuntarily lost. You can defy the dieting bylaws if you're trying to recapture some pounds you lost in order to be healthy again. Dairy products made from whole milk, carbohydrates and healthy fats can all help with the weight gain process. Junk food and worthless calories should be passed by as much as you can; you need to maintain a nourishing food regime. To get the benefit of wholesome calories you should eat unprocessed dairy products, whole grains and nuts.

Abnormal weight loss is usually a sign that something is wrong so you should seek some form of help. Since this can be any number of factors, you can't really respond to it without an accurate diagnosis. We've looked at some of the possible causes in this article, but you need the advice of a medical professional to be sure. By doing this, and taking prescribed tests, you will be making sure that your health is under control.

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